Childcare De Caleidoscoop is located in Hoofddorp and has a daycare and an after-school care. Children from 0 to 12 years old are taken care of by our teachers. Both groups have a homely and warm atmosphere, in which our teachers can optimally contribute to the development of your child(ren).
The daycare of De Caleidoscoop is located in de primary school ‘Caleidoscoop’ in Hoofddorp. Together with the school, Babino forms an integrated child center. This means that we work together on the basis of one vision, one team and one plan. All children are followed in one continuous line within an integrated child center until they are 13 years old. When children turn 4 years old, they can easily move on to school. There are joint activities, so that children already get to know the teachers of the school.
The daycare has one vertical group with its own classroom in the school. A vertical group means that children from 0 to 4 years old are all together in the same group. There is a solid team of teachers working at the location, who know the children and the parents well. The team tries to create a real home atmosphere in the group, in which warmth and a safe environment are central.
The room where the children are cared for is equipped with various play corners. There is also a box on the ground for the smallest babies, where they can play quietly. During the year we work with different themes. During these themes, fun and educational activities comes up. This includes craft and music activities. In addition to our own space in the school, it is also possible to play outside on the schoolyard or inside the school's gym.
Of course, all that playing makes the kids hungry. There is a varied diet at the daycare, with the children eating fruit in the morning and vegetables in the afternoon. Also in the afternoon the children are offered a warm and healthy meal, prepared by Babino's own cook. The meals are adapted to the different ages and any allergies can also be taken into account.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM
After-school care
After-school care De Caleidoscoop consists of one basic group, ‘De Duikers’. The space is divided into various challenging corners, such as a house corner and construction corner. In addition, there is sufficient material available with which the children can get creative, or they can play a game together. The children can also enjoy themselves in the hall.
The gym of the school can be used for sporting activities, but there is also plenty of outdoor play on the beautiful schoolyard.
An activity is offered every day, but because after-school care time is also the free time of children, there is also plenty of time and space to relax and do your own thing.
A fun, challenging and varied activity program is made for each school holiday, including excursions. Think of cooking for lunch, sports and games, creative activities and, for example, a trip to the forest, a fun playground or the bowling club.
Opening hours
Pre school care
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 7:00 AM - beginning school
Naschoolse opvang*:
Monday to Friday from end of school - 18:30 (6:30 PM)
Holiday care/study days:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 7.00/8:00 AM - 18:30 PM
* Bij voldoende aanmeldingen opent de BSO ook op woensdag en vrijdag
Curious about the location?
Come and take a look by scheduling a tour.
You can also enroll your child directly by filling
out the online registration form.
Want to know what the costs are for you per month?
Below you can view the hourly rates.
✓ Daycare
✓ After-school care
De Caleidoscoop
Hammarskjöldstraat 232
2131 VN Hoofddorp
Phone number(s)
KDV: 06-54722166
BSO: 06-54722166
Collaboration partner(s)
Reports and registration
➜ Inspectierapport KDV
➜ Inspectierapport BSO
Registratienummer Landelijk Register (LRKP)
KDV: 161738060
BSO: 174411534