At Babino we work with both vertical and horizontal groups at the day care centers. This may differ per location.
Babino takes care of diapers, formula (Nutrilon follow-on milk), drinks, fruit, a snack and a hot meal at noon.
The teachers try to play outside with the children as much as possible. At Babino we think it is important that children can move freely and discover things for themselves. We therefore aim to be outside every day.
At day care centers we offer children and parents the opportunity to get used to the group first. You can ask our employees about the process.
In principle, we do not offer settling-in moments at the toddler care and after-school care. If necessary, this can always be planned in consultation.
You can request extra days when you need it, this can be done via the parent portal. If the group size allows it, the employees can promise an extra day.
During the year you have the option to request a maximum of 6 exchange days. If the group size allows it, the employees can promise an extra day.
More information about requesting extra days and exchange days can be found in the parent portal.
A parents' committee consists of a number of parents of a childcare facility. They represent all parents of children who are cared for at the relevant location. The purpose of a parent committee is to maintain and improve the quality of the care in collaboration with the organization.
The opening hours of our office are from 8.30 am to 5 pm. You can find the current opening hours of our locations on our website.
Babino is closed on national holidays. You can find out which days these are on the 'services' page.
Babino works with a sickness policy. If your child is ill or becomes ill at the childcare, the agreements from this protocol will be applied. The protocol can be found in the parent portal.
VVE is the abbreviation for Pre- and Early School Education. At Babino's toddle care locations, we work with the VVE method Pyramid Digital. This method is used to promote the continuous learning line to primary school. You can read more information in our VVE policy.
Babino's toddlercare locations work with the’ Looqin’ child monitoring system. Through this system, teachers make observations and the results are recorded.
Our teachers are responsible for transferring information during the drop-off and pick-up times. During this handover moment, the teacher will tell you what your child has done that day and the notable moments.
You can register your child via our website.
You can request a tour at one of our locations via the website.
You can cancel with a notice period of one month. You can change or cancel your contract by sending an email to info@babino.nl. info@babino.nl .
View our locations
Babino has several locations where care is offered. On our location page you can choose the type of childcare you are looking for and view the locations.
When you open a location, you can find relevant information about the type of childcare.

After-school care
At Babino, children can be transported from primary school to BSO by car, BSO bus or bike.
During pre-school care it is possible to eat a sandwich until 7.30 am.
No, you must register your child for after-school care yourself.
With three or more registrations, the BSO will open for a study day.
Childcare allowance (kinderopvangtoeslag)
Whether you are entitled to childcare allowance depends on a number of conditions. These conditions are; – The children living at home are registered at your home address. – You as a parent or your allowance partner pay the costs for childcare. – you and your partner both work or receive a contribution from the municipality or UWV under the Childcare Act. You can see whether you are entitled to childcare allowance and how much at https://www.belastingdienst.nl/rekenhulpen/toeslagen/
– De inwonende kinderen staan ingeschreven op uw woonadres.
– U als ouder of uw toeslagpartner betaald de kosten voor kinderopvang.
– u en uw partner werken beide of krijgen van de gemeente of UWV een bijdrage op grond van de Wet Kinderopvang.
Of u recht heeft op kinderopvangtoeslag en hoeveel kunt u bekijken op https://www.belastingdienst.nl/rekenhulpen/toeslagen/
We like to help you
If you have any questions, please contact our office.
Babino BV
Kerkstraat 2
1551 BN Westzaan
Phone number: 075 2020389
E-mail: info@babino.nl
Peuteropvang Zaanstad BV
Kerkstraat 2
1551 BN Westzaan
Phone number: 075 2020389
E-mail: info@babino.nl