
Location Oranje Nassau is located in Badhoevedorp and has two after-school care locations. Both groups are designed for children aged 4 to 13 years.

After-school care 

After-school care Oranje Nassau features 2 locations.

The youngest children are taken care of at the ‘Prinses Amalia’ group in the substructure location. Various corners have been created, such as a home corner and a construction corner, fun craft activities are also regularly offered. The children can play outside on the beautiful and large playground of the school.

The superstructure location offers care for the older children in 2 basic groups, the ‘Gouden Koets’ and the ‘Oranje Leeuw’. The activities are well geared to this age group and the children are allowed to think about what they would like to do. This location also has a schoolyard where the children can use up their energy.

A fun, challenging and varied activity program is made for each holiday, including excursions. Think of cooking for lunch, sports and games, creative activities and, for example, a trip to the forest, a fun playground or the bowling alley.

Together with primary school Oranje Nassau, this after-school care location forms an integrated child center (IKC). An integrated child center is a place where everyone works together based on one vision, one team and one plan.

Opening hours

After-school care.

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from end of school until 6:30 pm

Opening hours

After-school care.

Monday to Friday from end of school - 18:30 (6:30 PM)

Holiday care/study days:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:00 AM - 18:30 PM

Curious about the location?

Come and take a look by scheduling a tour. 
You can also enroll your child directly by filling
out the online registration form.

non-binding tour. Register


Want to know what the costs are for you per month?
Below you can view the hourly rates.

view rates


After-school care

Oranje Nassau Onderbouw
Roerdompstraat 14
1171 HC Badhoevedorp

Oranje Nassau Bovenbouw
Burgemeester Amersfoordtlaan 61
1171 DM Badhoevedorp

Phone number(s)

BSO Onderbouw 06-30866934
BSO Bovenbouw 06-22531611

Collaboration partner(s)

OBS Oranje Nassau

Please contact us via email.


Reports and registration

Inspectierapport BSO onderbouw
Inspectierapport BSO bovenbouw

Registratienummer Landelijk Register (LRKP)
BSO Onderbouw: 374390721
BSO Bovenbouw: 199290982