
Location De Jagersplas is located in Zaandam and has a daycare, toddlercare and after-school care. In collaboration with primary school ‘De Jagersplas’, Babino forms an integrated child center. Children from 0 to 13 years old can be cared for in the same and safe place. The teachers are responsible for the development of your child(ren).


Daycare De Jagersplas is located in the school of primary school De Jagersplas. Together with the school, Babino forms an integrated child center. This means that we work together on the basis of one vision, one team and one plan. All children are followed in one continuous line until they are 13 years old.

A major benefit of the location in the schoolbuilding and the cooperation is that children can go to the primary school when they turn 4 years old. There are many joint activities between the daycare and the school and there is a lot of mutual contact. In this way, the children of the daycare already know the teachers from school, so that the settling-in process takes place naturally later on.

The daycare has two horizontal groups, each with their own space in the schoolbuilding. Children aged 0-2 years are cared for in one group, and children aged 2-4 years are cared for in the other group. Each room is furnished with different playcorners and materials. In addition to our own room in school, the children can also play outside in the nature playground, which is equipped with a chicken coop, a vegetable garden, a playhouse with a slide, a sandpit and a path around where the children can cycle. Inside, the school's gym can also be used.

A varied selection of food is prepared for the children during the day: fruit in the morning and vegetables in the afternoon. In addition, the children are getting a warm and healthy meal in the afternoon. This meal is prepared by Babino's own cook. The meals are adapted to the different ages of the children.

Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM


At De Jagersplas preschool, both child and parent are greeted with a warm welcome every morning. The colorful location has a beautiful room that is located in primary school De Jagersplas.

During toddlercare your child will be prepared for primary school in a playful way. With different themes and activities from the early childhood education (VVE) program Piramide digital, the teachers offer a diverse daily rhythm. In addition to the offer from the early childhood education (VVE) program Piramide digital, the teachers of the location use their qualities to offer activities. Your child is challenged to develop him- or herself, to play together and to help each other.

The group has a nature playground, where the children play outside every day. They can cycle along the path, have a picnic at the table, play in the house and hide behind the trees. The children can also take care of the chickens on the playground, they have their own coop.

Opening hours
Maandag, woensdag, donderdag en vrijdag van 8.30 – 12.30 uur

After-school care

After-school care De Jagersplas consists of two basic groups, ‘De Waterlelie’ and ‘De Libelle’.

‘De Waterlelie’ group is used in the mornings for toddlercare, but also offers plenty of challenging play corners and materials for the youngest children at the after-school care.

‘De Libelle’ group uses a classroom in the school and a part of the large hall in the school. In the classroom, the children can relax in the chill-corner, or quietly do crafts and play with the dollhouse. The more active activities are offered in the hall, such as the construction corner, carpentry and the football table. The gym in the school is used for sporting activities.

Outside, children play on the large schoolyard of De Jagersplas, but they can also use the other playgrounds around the school.

An activity is offered every day, but because after-school time is also children's free time, there is also plenty of time and space to do their own thing.

A fun, challenging and varied activity program is made for each holiday, including excursions. Think of cooking for lunch, sports and games, creative activities and, for example, a trip to the forest, a fun playground or the bowling alley.

This after-school care location, together with primary school De Jagersplas, forms an integrated child center. An integrated child center is a place where everyone works together based on one vision, one team and one plan.

Opening hours

Before School Care:

Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM until the start of school.

After-school care.

Monday to Friday from end of school - 18:30 (6:30 PM)

Holiday care/study days:

Monday to Friday from 7:00/8:00 am to 6:30 pm

Curious about the location?

Come and take a look by scheduling a tour. 
You can also enroll your child directly by filling
out the online registration form.

non-binding tour. Register


Want to know what the costs are for you per month?
Below you can view the hourly rates.

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After-school care

De Jagersplas
Brasemermeer 23b
1509 GE Zaandam

Phone number(s)

KDV: 06-55391335
PO: 06-51923605
BSO: 06-51923605

Collaboration partner(s)

OBS De Jagersplas

Please contact us via email.

Reports and registration

Inspectierapport KDV
Inspectierapport PO
Inspectierapport BSO

Registratienummer Landelijk Register (LRKP)

KDV: 134315649
PO: 257797786
BSO: 222349633